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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Woohooo!!!! Finally Fixed My Zwinky Wardrobe Problem

At last after months of trying to fix the error on my wardrobe I finally found a solution. It seems the problem was because of my firewall. If you are having the same problem, try this following steps:

Verify that Active Scripting, ActiveX, and Java are not being blocked by Internet
Active scripting, ActiveX, and Java are all involved in shaping the way information displays on a Web page. If these are blocked on your computer, it may disrupt the display of the Web page. Reset the Internet Explorer security settings to make sure these are not blocked. To do this, follow these steps:
  1. Start Internet Explorer.
  2. On the Tools menu, click Internet Options.
  3. In the Internet Options dialog box, click the Security tab.
  4. Click Default Level.
  5. Click OK.
Note ActiveX controls and Java programs are turned off at the High security level in Internet Explorer.

Try to open a Web page where you previously received a scripting error. If you do not receive the error, the issue is resolved. If the issue persists, go to Method 4.

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The Hieress Collection

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confession box: True friend..Flirting by Reikazek

You know, if you're a flirtatious person at heart, then that's just you.

Then she says in a friendly conversation, 'I'm just a little flirtatious.' ....OK, like that's not gonna make me worry., and I always notice her flirting with a lot of other boys. So I tell her this, and all the sudden shes in defense mode. 'I mean I goof around with our friends, like giving them a hard time and stuff. That is what I meant, so I don't flirt but I goof around and THAT could be considered flirting.'


Zwinky Mix by di Masaway

Zwinky Mix by di Masaway
click image to go this website

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